
The problem

Impact factor
and journal prestige

Publishing papers is one of the main ways a scientist is assessed. You therefore want to be confident that you are publishing in a journal that is respected and trustworthy.

Currently, journal prestige is self-perpetuating and is dominated by large corporate publishers.

prestigious library image
Our solution

Innovative research platform

Provide alternative metrics to what most universities use to rank faculty candidates and tenure applications.

We pilot with a smaller community from a reproducible model which will be useful for a bigger platform as we grow together, with credibility and trust.

Why We're Different

Randomized Reviewers

Our system selects reviewers randomly from a pre-selected pool of experts, ensuring diverse and unbiased evaluations

Anonymous Authors

Authors can opt to remain anonymous to ensure that evaluations are based solely on the content and quality of the research, free from biases related to reputation or affiliation

Transparent Feedback

Reviewers’ identities are known, promoting accountability and high-quality, constructive feedback

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Fairer Evaluations

Contribute to a system that prioritizes merit and objectivity, reducing the influence of personal biases and prestige

Innovative Approach

Explore a new model for peer review that challenges traditional norms and aims to set a new standard in academic publishing

Enhanced Transparency

Engage with a process where feedback and evaluations are conducted openly, fostering trust and clarity

Publish yourself,
help others too

Join a groundbreaking community platform that reimagines the peer review process, combining fairness, transparency, and objectivity to enhance the quality and integrity of academic research.

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Reach out for comments, feedback or questions at and be part of the community.